Tabas Geopark Museum

Mountain meteorology training course

❇️ Mountain meteorology training course ?️The first training course on mountain meteorology (introductory) was held under the supervision of Mr. Mohsen Hashmnezhad (teacher and instructor of meteorology courses of the Iran Mountaineering and Sports Climbing Federation) for Tabas mountaineers in Tabas UGGp Training Center. ?️This course was organized by Mountaineering and Sports Climbing Office of [...]

Happy national day of the Iranian cheetah

?️ On the occasion of Iranian National Cheetah Day, a cheetah familiarization workshop was held for boy students (aged 10 to 15 years) at Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark Visitor Center. ?️This educational workshop discussed the reasons for naming this day, appearance and behavioral characteristics, habitat, type of nutrition, distribution of cheetahs in Iran, as well [...]

Happy national day of the Iranian cheetah

August 31st Happy national day of the Iranian cheetah. On the occasion of Iranian National Cheetah Day, a cheetah familiarization workshop was held at Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark Visitor Center. ? This workshop, which was held with the presence of children aged 5 to 8 years, in order to get to know this endangered species [...]

Happy National Day Of The Iranian Cheetah

Visiting technical and vocational university centers

?️ Visiting technical and vocational university centers of South Khorasan Province from Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark Museum. ?Engineer Maleki, Head of Technical and Vocational University of South Khorasan Province, along with managers and heads of technical and vocational schools in South Khorasan Province; Birjand, Qain, Tabas, Nehbandan and Ferdous visited museum and visitor center of [...]

Geology Department of Isfahan University Visited Tabas Geopark

?️ 40 geology students of Isfahan University visited geosites and geological phenomena during their 3-day scientific trip to Tabas Geopark. In this scientific visit, three professors and faculty members of the Geology Department of Isfahan University were present. ?️Also, on the ossasian of International Museum Day, these students visited the museum and the visitor center [...]

In the International Museum Day

Tabas Geopark Museum in the International Museum Day, 18 May ?️ On International Museum Day, more than 200 people visited the Museum and Visitor Center

On the occasion of International Museums Day

?️ Documentary show "Birth of Planet Earth" from creation to evolution. ?️Thursday, May 28, 18:00. ?️ Tabas Geopark Visitor Center Along with scientific discussion and questions and answers. ? On the occasion of International Museums Day, visiting the museum and visitor center of Tabas Geopark is free.

Visiting the students of Hazrat Fatemeh High School

?️ Visiting the students of Hazrat Fatemeh High School for Girls (S) to Tabas Geopark Museum and Visitor Center ?️ One of the important tasks of museums for children and students is teaching problem solving skills and critical skills. ?️ We help them to ask questions and then consider hypotheses for their questions and think [...]

Tabas Geopark Museum hosts the students

?️ Tabas Geopark Museum hosts the students of Kazemi martyr and Hefdah Shahrivar elementary schools. ?️Interested students of Shahid Kazemi and Hefdeh Shahrivar elementary schools visited the Tabas Geopark Museum in Bagh Golshan mansion, got to know the different types of fossils, rocks, minerals of the county and the differences between rocks. Also, they learned [...]