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Other Global Geoparks Archives - Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark

Other Global Geoparks

Introduction of Tabas UGGp in China

Introduction of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark in China The capacities and geosites of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark were introduced by Lushan UNESCO Global Geopark at the school and annual exhibition in China for students and the general public. In Sep 2024, Lushan UNESCO Global Geopark signed a memorandum of understanding with Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark, [...]

From Tabas UGGp to Khorat UGGp (Thailand)

❇️Cyclists, ambassadors of peace and friendship between the two nations. ✅From Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark (Iran) to Khorat UNESCO Global Geopark (Thailand). 🔷Dr. Shibani, director of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark (UGGp) announced: for the first time, Iranian cyclist women will be the pioneers of traveling by bicycle from Tabas UGGp to Khorat UGGp in Thailand. [...]

Special contest for Global Geoparks residents

Special contest for Global Geoparks residents Description file

international geodiversity day + video

Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark is holding Scientific webinar on the occasion of the International Geodiversity Day Sunday - 6 October Webinar language: Persian

Presentation from Tabas UGGp

❇️Presentation of two papers from Tabas UGGp in the 8th Asia Pacific Global Geoparks Network Symposium

Giving special gifts of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark to Prof. Guy Martini

✅Giving special gifts of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark to Prof. Guy Martini, General Secretary of Global Geoparks Network. 🔹the 8th Asia Pacific Global Geoparks Network Symposium, Vietnam.

International fair of the 8th APGN Symposium

✅Introducing of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark in the International fair of the 8th Asia Pasific Global Geoparks Network Symposium

Asia Pasific Geoparks Network

✅The participation of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark in the elections of advisory committee and coordinator Committee of Asia Pasific Geoparks Network 🗓11 sep 2024

Introduction the geosites and attractions of Tabas UGGp

✅Introduction the geosites and attractions of Tabas UGGp in the 8th Asia Pasific Geoparks Network Symposium, by engineer Amri Kazemi senior consultant of Tabas UGGp

8th Asia Pasific Geoparks Network Symposium

✅The presence of Tabas UGGp in the 8th Asia Pasific Geoparks Network Symposium