Geotourism is conscious and accountable touring in nature with the aim of recognizing geological phenomena, their development and learning about their formation. The designation of geoparks support a wide variety of goals: economic development of local communities through geological tourism, or geotourism of Earth and Nature’s unique features, allowing public exploration, cooperation in preservation and conservation of our geological heritage, and promoting public knowledge and awareness of the geosciences (Amrikazemi, 2012). When traveling to geoparks, people help protect them by supporting the local community economy and in harmony with nature and habitat protection. When visiting geoparks, people experience a very valuable scientific-recreational journey and during their trip and visit the geosites should not cause any damage to rocks, fossils, plant and animal species as well as historical monuments. In fact, man leaves no trace in nature except footprints, and the only thing he will take with him from nature are the images that he has recorded as a memory.

As visitors, we must understand our role as guests in any geopark and respect each other’s customs and traditions, to minimize our cultural and environmental impacts. The geological, natural and cultural-historical heritage of each geopark is a national and world heritage and its protection is essential for all citizens of the planet.

– The scientific resources are available in the management of Tabas Geopark.
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