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Confibition Archives - Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark


Introduction of Tabas UGGp in China

Introduction of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark in China The capacities and geosites of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark were introduced by Lushan UNESCO Global Geopark at the school and annual exhibition in China for students and the general public. In Sep 2024, Lushan UNESCO Global Geopark signed a memorandum of understanding with Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark, [...]

The 2th Palm and Paddy Festival

✅The 2th Palm and Paddy Festival ✳️Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark, Ezmighan village 🔶️The 2th palm and paddy festival of Ezmighan village was held in the paricipations of families and tourists on a beautiful autumn day. 🔸️Ezmighan village is one of the rare geosites in Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark, which depicts the beautiful combination of rice [...]

The 2th National Bread Festival

🔶️ Participation of traditional bakery of Imam Ali (AS) as Tabas UGGp partner, in the 2th national bread festival, Kerman. 🔸️This bakery is one of the most important partners of Tabas UGGp. Whose organic wheat and barley bread are one of the highest quality traditional breads of Tabas and are exported to several countries in [...]

2th palm and paddy festival

You are also invited to the 2th palm and paddy festival in Ezmighan village. 🔷️ Along with various and traditional programs, local products and handicrafts exhibition, off-road vehicle show and food festival. 🗓 31 Oct to 1 Nov

Secretary General of the Executive Board of the GGN + Video

✳️ Prof. Martini's opinion: Secretary General of the Executive Board of the Global Geoparks Network about Tabas in the 8th Asia and Pacific Global Geoparks Network Symposium. 🔶️ I love your geopark ... 🔸️Caobang UNESCO Global Geopark - Vietnam 🗓 15 Sep 2024

Presentation from Tabas UGGp

❇️Presentation of two papers from Tabas UGGp in the 8th Asia Pacific Global Geoparks Network Symposium

Giving special gifts of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark to Prof. Guy Martini

✅Giving special gifts of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark to Prof. Guy Martini, General Secretary of Global Geoparks Network. 🔹the 8th Asia Pacific Global Geoparks Network Symposium, Vietnam.

International fair of the 8th APGN Symposium

✅Introducing of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark in the International fair of the 8th Asia Pasific Global Geoparks Network Symposium

Asia Pasific Geoparks Network

✅The participation of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark in the elections of advisory committee and coordinator Committee of Asia Pasific Geoparks Network 🗓11 sep 2024

Introduction the geosites and attractions of Tabas UGGp

✅Introduction the geosites and attractions of Tabas UGGp in the 8th Asia Pasific Geoparks Network Symposium, by engineer Amri Kazemi senior consultant of Tabas UGGp