
Workshop on Geopark Concepts

The Workshop on Geopark Concepts, Local Community Engagement, Geopark Partnership and Volunteership

Fossil painting and making workshop

In this workshop, which was held in collaboration with Afarinesh Institute, the children learned about different types of fossils and then painted and made some fossils.

Geopark Concepts Workshop and Introduction to Kharv Area Geosites

Geopark Concepts Workshop and Introduction to Kharv Area Geosites The importance of geosites and potentials of the region, the role of local community in the protection of geosites, revival of local traditions and culture and the impact of organizing local products on the economic development of the village, etc. were among the most important topics [...]

Familiarity workshop with fossils, on the occasion of National Fossil Day in Iran

While learning about the life and history of fossils, the students and the students engaged in creativity, including exploring fossils and painting them, as well as making sculptures and replicas of various fossils. ? 25, Oct, 2021

Holding workshops in Esfahk ecotourism complex

Holding workshops in Esfahk ecotourism complex From a series of activities: Holding practical soil architecture workshops in Esfahk Ecotourism Complex Holding a saffron celebration and painting event with the presence of domestic and foreign tourists as well as masters of painting from Tehran Reconstruction of a treasury bath with usability in the ecotourism complex of [...]