
Workshop on the art of pottery

Training workshop for local guides of Tabas County

?️A training workshop for welcoming Nowruz (especially for local guides) was held at the Tabas UGGp visitor center for 5 hours. In this workshop, local guides got to know the culture, history, and geosites of Tabas UGGp.

on the occasion of international tourist guide day

Tabas UGGp Partners Network Members

✅ Gathering of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark Partners Network members. ?️ According to the public relations report of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark, a training workshop (specially for Geopark partners and volunteers) was held with the subject of Familiarization with the basics and concepts of Geopark, network of partners and local community participation in development programs [...]

Mountain Medicine Training Workshop

Mountain Medicine Training Workshop

8th Symposium of Sedimentological Society of Iran

?️Workshop on Foundation, concepts and goals of UNESCO Global Geoparks and their role in geoheritage conservation with introducing Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark. ?️University of Hormozgan, 31 Jan - 1 Feb, 2024. ? Register by link: ?️ Register by Email:

5th Rock Climbing Festival

?️ 5th Rock Climbing Festival of Tabas County, with the presence of Iranian prominent masters. ? 5 - 8 December, 2023

Global youth biodiversity network training course.

?️ Global Youth Biodiversity Network intends to hold the Earth Network project as capacity building webinars focusing on biodiversity. ?️ These webinars aim to empower and engage youth in global geoparks and foster a deeper understanding of biodiversity conservation and sustainable practices. ?️ Tabas Global Geopark invites all young people and those interested in participating [...]

on the occasion of World Food Day

✅ Local indigenous food festival: on the occasion of World Food Day. ?️ Thursday, October 19, 2023.

Mountain meteorology training course

❇️ Mountain meteorology training course ?️The first training course on mountain meteorology (introductory) was held under the supervision of Mr. Mohsen Hashmnezhad (teacher and instructor of meteorology courses of the Iran Mountaineering and Sports Climbing Federation) for Tabas mountaineers in Tabas UGGp Training Center. ?️This course was organized by Mountaineering and Sports Climbing Office of [...]