
Global youth biodiversity network training course.

?️ Global Youth Biodiversity Network intends to hold the Earth Network project as capacity building webinars focusing on biodiversity. ?️ These webinars aim to empower and engage youth in global geoparks and foster a deeper understanding of biodiversity conservation and sustainable practices. ?️ Tabas Global Geopark invites all young people and those interested in participating [...]

on the occasion of World Food Day

✅ Local indigenous food festival: on the occasion of World Food Day. ?️ Thursday, October 19, 2023.

Mountain meteorology training course

❇️ Mountain meteorology training course ?️The first training course on mountain meteorology (introductory) was held under the supervision of Mr. Mohsen Hashmnezhad (teacher and instructor of meteorology courses of the Iran Mountaineering and Sports Climbing Federation) for Tabas mountaineers in Tabas UGGp Training Center. ?️This course was organized by Mountaineering and Sports Climbing Office of [...]

The scientific and educational visit of Tabas mountaineering team

✅ The scientific and educational visit of Tabas mountaineering team to the geosites of Kharv tourism zone in the east of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark. ?️ Tabas Mountaineerings team visited geosites of east Geopark in a one-day workshop and learned about the importance of geosites in this area.

International Geodiversity Day

?️ Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark is holding a special event on the occasion of International Geodiversity Day (6 October). Login link is closed

Happy national day of the Iranian cheetah

?️ On the occasion of Iranian National Cheetah Day, a cheetah familiarization workshop was held for boy students (aged 10 to 15 years) at Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark Visitor Center. ?️This educational workshop discussed the reasons for naming this day, appearance and behavioral characteristics, habitat, type of nutrition, distribution of cheetahs in Iran, as well [...]

Happy national day of the Iranian cheetah

August 31st Happy national day of the Iranian cheetah. On the occasion of Iranian National Cheetah Day, a cheetah familiarization workshop was held at Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark Visitor Center. ? This workshop, which was held with the presence of children aged 5 to 8 years, in order to get to know this endangered species [...]

Happy National Day Of The Iranian Cheetah

National Asiatic Cheetah Day, 31 August

On the occasion of the National Asiatic Cheetah Day, 31 August ? Training and familiarization workshop on the Asiatic cheetah ?presentation by: Engineer Taghizadeh (Head of Environmental Protection office of Tabas County). ?Thursday, 31 August, 18:00, Visitor Center of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark.

Internatioal day of the worlds indigenous peoples

Internatioal day of the worlds indigenous peoples Thursday, August 19 ? 17:30 ? Links to enter the workshop Rubika Instagram