Tabas Geopark News

Giving special gifts of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark to Prof. Guy Martini

✅Giving special gifts of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark to Prof. Guy Martini, General Secretary of Global Geoparks Network. 🔹the 8th Asia Pacific Global Geoparks Network Symposium, Vietnam.

International fair of the 8th APGN Symposium

✅Introducing of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark in the International fair of the 8th Asia Pasific Global Geoparks Network Symposium

Asia Pasific Geoparks Network

✅The participation of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark in the elections of advisory committee and coordinator Committee of Asia Pasific Geoparks Network 🗓11 sep 2024

Introduction the geosites and attractions of Tabas UGGp

✅Introduction the geosites and attractions of Tabas UGGp in the 8th Asia Pasific Geoparks Network Symposium, by engineer Amri Kazemi senior consultant of Tabas UGGp

8th Asia Pasific Geoparks Network Symposium

✅The presence of Tabas UGGp in the 8th Asia Pasific Geoparks Network Symposium

The 8th International Asia Pacific Geoparks Network Symposium

🔶️ According to Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark (UGGp) public relations report, the 8th international Symposium of Asia Pacific Geoparks Network will start on September 8 hosted by Kao Bang UNESCO Global Geopark in Vietnam. 🔸️ This international event is held with the aim of exchanging experiences in better and more effective implementation of activities, developing [...]

Happy National Iranian Cheetah Day + video

🔶️ The 30th August in Iran is named for one of the most beautiful animals in the world, namely the Iranian cheetah. National Day for the Protection of the Iranian Cheetah, an animal that is in danger of extinction and its protection, is very important. 🔸️ The Iranian cheetah (Asiatic cheetah) is the third known [...]

The 6th of Provincial Geo-Skyrunning Competitions

🔶️ Tabas Mountaineering and Sports Climbing Department with the support of South Khorasan Province Mountaineering office and the cooperation of the Sports and Youth office of the Tabas County, Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark, the Red Crescent Society and the natural resources and watershed of the Tabas organizes: ✳️ The 6th of Provincial Geo-Skyrunning Competitions (Memorial [...]

The meeting of Tabas UGGp Director and head of khorasan Razavi Mining Engineering Organization

✅ The meeting of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark Director and Head of Khorasan Razavi Mining Engineering Organization. 🔶️ Dr. Shibani (Director of Tabas UGGp) in a meeting with Engineer Nikahi (Head of Razavi Khorasan Mine Engineering System Organization), in the women's committee meeting of this organization while examining ways of mutual cooperation, emphasized the effective [...]

Happy World Photography Day