Tabas Geopark News

Tabas hosts the chairman of the UNESCO Global Geoparks Supreme Council

Tabas hosts the chairman of the UNESCO Global Geoparks Supreme Council Unprecedented event in Tabas Professor Martini attends the UNESCO World Geoparks Supreme Council chairman in Tabas as a result of the follow-up and invitation of the Tabas Geopark Group. Professor Martin traveled to Tabas along with two UNESCO Global Geoparks Supreme Council of Experts [...]

Planning Meeting for Tabas Geopark Implementation

Planning Meeting for Tabas Geopark Implementation The meeting was attended by Engineer , Talaei Moghaddam, Deputy Governor and Special Governor of the city, Engineer Koriti, CEO of Tabas Coal Company, Engineer Tusi, Mayor, Members of the Islamic City Council, Engineer Jalali, Head of the Mining and Trade Department, Mr. Behbahani, Head of Cultural Heritage Representative [...]

Launch of the first specialized museum of South Khorasan Province; Tabas Land Heritage Museum

Launch of the first specialized museum of South Khorasan Province; Tabas Land Heritage Museum According to the World Geoparks Network and the UNESCO Supreme Council for Global Geoparks, there is a need for a specialized museum in each of the geoparks. In this regard, with many years of efforts by the Tabas Geopark Group in [...]

From the activities of the Tabas Geopark Group – Meeting with Geopark Tabas Senior Advisor

From the activities of the Tabas Geopark Group Meeting with Geopark Tabas Senior Advisor Today Saturday / Discussion on Planning and Starting Executive Projects Ms. Dr. Sheybani Director of Geopark Tabas and Mr. Amri Kazemi. Geological Survey of Iran - November 2017

From the activities of the Tabas Geopark group

From the activities of the Tabas Geopark group Visiting and evaluating tourism sites in the Kalmard area By Dr. Amri Kazemi and Tabas Geopark Group - March 2017

From the activities of the Tabas Geopark Group

From the activities of the Tabas Geopark Group Attendance of Dr. Amri Kazemi Tabas Geopark Advisor and a meeting with  Mr. Talaei Moghaddam, Deputy Governor and Special Governor of the city on the potential of Tabas for geoparking and expressing the actions taken by the Geopark Group so far and presenting the characteristics of Geoparks [...]

Introducing Geopark Consultant Tabas

Introducing Geopark Consultant Tabas Mr. Alireza Amri Kazemi, Expert in charge of Geological Heritage and Geotourism of Iran in Geological and Mineral Exploration Organization Member of the Supreme Council of UNESCO World Geoparks Member of the Governance and Executive Committee of the Asia-Pacific Geoparks

Two-year goal of globalizing Tabas Geopark

South Khorasan Newspaper Two-year goal of globalizing Tabas Geopark After Qeshm World Geopark as Iran's only geopark and one of the most unique geoparks in the world, it is home to several geological parks and geological parks due to its proximity to the beautiful coasts of the Persian Gulf and the mangrove forest. Iran has become, [...]