Tabas Geopark News

From the series of activities of Tabas Geopark Group

From the series of activities of Tabas Geopark Group Dr. Amri Kazemi travels with Tabas Geopark Group to follow up on the affairs of Jupark's partners and review the tourism conditions of eco-tourism resorts Visiting the historical context of Crete village, Safavid and Qajar period water reservoirs and the development plan of Nakhl and Narges [...]

Golden Day Deputy Governor and Special Governor in Fluorine 1 and 2

Golden Day Deputy Governor and Special Governor in Fluorine 1 and 2 Talaei Moghaddam: It was one of the best days of my service in Tabas Achievements of the visit of Talaei Moghaddam, Deputy Governor and Special Governor of Tabas, along with other relevant officials from the Kamar Mehdi Fluorine Mine No. (2) in Tabas [...]

Message of appreciation and thanks to the members of the Tabas Geopark team, Deputy Governor and Special Governor of Tabas

Message of appreciation and thanks to the members of the Tabas Geopark team, Deputy Governor and Special Governor of Tabas Tabas; It is a divine gift and a precious gem of the Almighty God to the warm-hearted people of the desert land and a valuable treasure of rich God-given resources that we have not appreciated [...]

Holding a meeting on the global approach of Tabas Geopark

Holding a meeting on the global approach of Tabas Geopark In the meeting hall of the deputy governor and special governor of Tabas city Mrs. Dr. Sheibani, Director of Tabas Geopark; Thanks to the officials, especially Mr. Talaei Moghaddam, Deputy Governor and Special Governor of the city, Mr. Koriti, CEO of Parvadeh Tabas Coal Company, [...]

During the visit of the Presidium of the UNESCO World Geoparks Supreme Council and the delegation to Tabas

Visit of some Geopark Tabas Geosites by Prof. Martinini and Dr. Amri Kazemi with the Geopark Tabas Group Imam Hossein Ibn Musa al-Kazem Golshan Historical Garden Tabas Heritage Museum Calmard area Darin area Tabas Desert Ecotourism Resorts (Geopark helpers) Korit's ancient and historic dam Cal Jenny Area (Jenny Valley) Cal Sardar Area (Sardar Valley) Kharv [...]

Diligent and talented students from Taktom School visit the Tabas Land Heritage Museum

Diligent and talented students from Taktom School visit the Tabas Land Heritage Museum  November 2017

Arrival of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of UNESCO Geoparks and the accompanying delegation to Tabas

Arrival of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of UNESCO Geoparks and the accompanying delegation to Tabas, Iran Geological Paradise Warm welcome by Mr. Talaei Moghaddam, Deputy Governor and Special Governor, Honorable Members of the Islamic City Council and other city officials October 2017

From the activities of the Tabas Geopark Group

From the activities of the Tabas Geopark Group Today, 24 Novemeber 2017 , Tabas Geopark Group Visits Sorond and Mavdar Tourism Target Village In order to identify the beautiful attractions of tourism and natural land Interview with Mr. Akbari, Village Leader, about the facilities and infrastructure of the village This village is one of the [...]

Tabas hosts the chairman of the UNESCO Global Geoparks Supreme Council

Tabas hosts the chairman of the UNESCO Global Geoparks Supreme Council Unprecedented event in Tabas Professor Martini attends the UNESCO World Geoparks Supreme Council chairman in Tabas as a result of the follow-up and invitation of the Tabas Geopark Group. Professor Martin traveled to Tabas along with two UNESCO Global Geoparks Supreme Council of Experts [...]

Planning Meeting for Tabas Geopark Implementation

Planning Meeting for Tabas Geopark Implementation The meeting was attended by Engineer , Talaei Moghaddam, Deputy Governor and Special Governor of the city, Engineer Koriti, CEO of Tabas Coal Company, Engineer Tusi, Mayor, Members of the Islamic City Council, Engineer Jalali, Head of the Mining and Trade Department, Mr. Behbahani, Head of Cultural Heritage Representative [...]