Tabas Geopark News

Directors of the Iranian Coal Association

🔶 Members of the Board of Directors of the Iranian Coal Association visited the Visitor Center, Museum, and the unique potential of the Tabas UNESCO Global Geopnark.

Appreciation of Tabas UGGp Partner

✅ Appreciation of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark Partner. 🔶️At the Jahadgaran event on Production, Mr. Makarian (Imam Ali Traditional Bakery), a partner of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark, was selected as the top entrepreneur in South Khorasan Province.

Tabas UGGp Museum

✳️Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark Museum: A precious treasure of earth's beauty. 🔶️According to the Tabas UGGp public relations report, the museum of this Geopark has hosted more than 300 students in the form of scientific and educational tours in October and November 2024. 🔸️School students learned the basic concepts of earth sciences while visiting the [...]

Congratulatory message of Tabas UGGp Director

✅ Congratulatory message of Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark (UGGp) Director for registering and introducing the Geosite of Esfahk Historical Texture as the second best tourism village of Iran by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). 🔶️According to Tabas UGGp public relations report, Dr. Shibani's message is as follows: 🔸️ The very happy news that, historical village [...]

Gathering of Iranian tourism guides in Tabas UGGp + Video

✅ Gathering of Iranian tourism guides in Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark. 🔷️ 70 national and international Iranian tourism guides will visit the Geosites and other potentials of the region during a 3-day trip to Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark. 🔹️On the first day, Iranian tour guides got to know various attractions and geosites, historical cultural features, [...]

The Role of Interpretation in Geotourism + video

✳️ Training workshops: 🔶️ "The Role of Interpretation in Geotourism" 🔶️ "Foundation, concepts and goals of UNESCO Global Geoparks and their role in geoheritage conservation with introducing Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark 🗓 12 Nov, 2024 🔸️Place: Tabas City, South Khorasan Province

The 2th Palm and Paddy Festival

✅The 2th Palm and Paddy Festival ✳️Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark, Ezmighan village 🔶️The 2th palm and paddy festival of Ezmighan village was held in the paricipations of families and tourists on a beautiful autumn day. 🔸️Ezmighan village is one of the rare geosites in Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark, which depicts the beautiful combination of rice [...]

National Fossil Day + Video

✳️Tabas UGGp organized an educational workshop about fossils on the occasion of National Fossil Day. 🔶️Tabas UGGp Museum is a valuable treasure of rocks, minerals, and fossils that are millions of years old. This museum is welcomed by the many students of the Geopark territory.

Tabas UGGp Visitor Center and Museum hosts the students

✅ Tabas UGGp Museum, the treasure of Tabas's history 🔶️ Tabas UGGp Visitor Center and Museum hosts the students of Sama Boys School. 🔸️In this scientific visit, students learned the basic concepts of earth sciences while getting to know the fossils, minerals, stones, and minerals of the county. 🔸️Also, by attending the Tabas UGGp Visitor [...]

The 2th National Bread Festival

🔶️ Participation of traditional bakery of Imam Ali (AS) as Tabas UGGp partner, in the 2th national bread festival, Kerman. 🔸️This bakery is one of the most important partners of Tabas UGGp. Whose organic wheat and barley bread are one of the highest quality traditional breads of Tabas and are exported to several countries in [...]