Other Global Geoparks

The 8th International Asia Pacific Geoparks Network Symposium

🔶️ According to Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark (UGGp) public relations report, the 8th international Symposium of Asia Pacific Geoparks Network will start on September 8 hosted by Kao Bang UNESCO Global Geopark in Vietnam. 🔸️ This international event is held with the aim of exchanging experiences in better and more effective implementation of activities, developing [...]

Global Geoparks Network + video

Video introducing the Global Geoparks Network on the occasion of its 20th anniversary. Attractive video explaining simple the GGN role and interest.

20th anniversary of the Global Geoparks Network

✅ Congratulations on the 20th anniversary of the Global Geoparks Network (2004-2024). 🔶️ A video of the Global Geoparks Network (GGN) and Sustainable Development on the occasion of its 20th anniversary has been compiled by GGN on the various activities and perspectives of the Global Geoparks. 🔶️ In this video, parts of the Tabas UNESCO [...]

Global youth biodiversity network training course.

?️ Global Youth Biodiversity Network intends to hold the Earth Network project as capacity building webinars focusing on biodiversity. ?️ These webinars aim to empower and engage youth in global geoparks and foster a deeper understanding of biodiversity conservation and sustainable practices. ?️ Tabas Global Geopark invites all young people and those interested in participating [...]

Granting the certificate of UNESCOs New Global Geoparks

✅ Granting the certificate of UNESCO's New Global Geoparks to join UNESCO Global Geoparks Network (GGN). ?️This ceremony was held at the 10th International Conference of Global Geoparks in Morocco, where was granted to Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark, a membership certificate in the UNESCO Global Geoparks Network (GGN). This international conference continues until September 11. [...]

Special gift from Tabas UGGp to Aras UGGp

?️Dr. Shibani, Director of Tabas UGGp, sincerely congratulated Ares UGGp on the international celebration of global registration. Also, the director of Tabas UGGp donated the 485 million years old fossil, geoheritage atlas of Tabas, and the Tabas UGGp memorial plaque to the Director of Ares UGGp.

Welcome digital event for the new UNESCO Global Geoparks

Welcome digital event for the new UNESCO Global Geoparks 6 June 2023 ?️The Global Geoparks Network in collaboration with UNESCO Earth Sciences and Geoparks Section are organizing a live WELCOME DIGITAL EVENT for the 18 new UNESCO Global Geoparks and one major extension. ?️The event will be organized on the occasion of the celebration of [...]

The reaction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran to UNESCO’s message

?️ In response to UNESCO's tweet regarding the membership of 18 new geoparks in the UNESCO Global Geoparks Network, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran has invited international tourists to visit beautiful Iran in a Twitter message while congratulating on the occasion of #Tabas_Geopark and #Aras_Geopark being included in this network. Source https://tabasgeopark.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/discover-18-new-unesco-global-geoparks2.mp4.mp4

The Global Registration of Tabas Geopark Was Officially Announced

? Dr. Sheibani, Director of Tabas Geopark said: Tabas Geopark was officially included in the list of UNESCO Global Geoparks network on May 24, 2023 with the approval of the UNESCO Executive Council. ?️She said: In 2023, eighteen new global geoparks will join the UNESCO Global Geoparks. ?️The director of Tabas Geopark also pointed out: [...]

Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark

UNESCO’s Executive Board in 24 May 2023 has endorsed the addition of 18 sites to the UNESCO Global Geoparks network. This brings the total number of geoparks to 195 in 48 countries. A UNESCO Global Geopark uses its geological heritage, in connection with all other aspects of the area’s natural and cultural heritage, to enhance [...]