Special contest for Global Geoparks residents
Special contest for Global Geoparks residents Description file
Special contest for Global Geoparks residents Description file
✅ The 5th Gathering of Iranian Climbers and Climbing to Nayband Mountain Geosite 🔶On the occasion of International Mountain Day, more than a hundred Iranian climbers successfully climbed to the peak of the Nayband Mountain Geosite. This event hosted by the Tabas Mountaineering and Sports Climbing Department, in cooperation with the Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark. [...]
✳️On the Occasion of International Mountain Day, 2024: Tabas Mount Climbing Department and Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark Holding: 🔶️The 5th Gathering of Iranian Climbers and Climbing to Peak of Nayband Mountain Geosite 🗓 11 - 13 Dec, 2024
✅The 2th Palm and Paddy Festival ✳️Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark, Ezmighan village 🔶️The 2th palm and paddy festival of Ezmighan village was held in the paricipations of families and tourists on a beautiful autumn day. 🔸️Ezmighan village is one of the rare geosites in Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark, which depicts the beautiful combination of rice [...]
✳️Tabas UGGp organized an educational workshop about fossils on the occasion of National Fossil Day. 🔶️Tabas UGGp Museum is a valuable treasure of rocks, minerals, and fossils that are millions of years old. This museum is welcomed by the many students of the Geopark territory. https://tabasgeopark.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/6558541.mp4
You are also invited to the 2th palm and paddy festival in Ezmighan village. 🔷️ Along with various and traditional programs, local products and handicrafts exhibition, off-road vehicle show and food festival. 🗓 31 Oct to 1 Nov
✳️ Mountaineering and climbing department of Tabas county organizes: 🔷️The gathering of Iranian climbers and climbing to Nayband Peak. 🔹️Remembering the victims of the Tabas coal mine. 🔹️Geosite of Nayband mountain with a height of 3005 meters is the highest point in Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark and is known as the roof of South Khorasan [...]
Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark is holding Scientific webinar on the occasion of the International Geodiversity Day Sunday - 6 October Webinar language: Persian https://tabasgeopark.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/9668512.mp4
❇️Presentation of two papers from Tabas UGGp in the 8th Asia Pacific Global Geoparks Network Symposium