Introduction of the museum: Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark Museum (Geoheritage), located in Tabas County, Imam Khomeyni Street, Enghelab Eslami Square, with an area of ​​about 200 square meters, is located on the lower floor of Golshan Garden Mansion. Considering the geological and mineral wealth of Tabas city, this museum was opened in March of 2017 along with the 11th conference of the Iranian Paleontology Society and with the presence of Iranian geological thinkers and scientists.

Considering that Tabas is known as the geological paradise and fossil museum of Iran, the purpose of setting up this museum is to introduce the geological and mineral attractions and capacities of Tabas city, and so far there are more than 850 samples of all kinds of rocks, minerals and fossils. Minerals of this area from Iran and other parts of the world are exhibited in this museum. A wide range of fossilized creatures from the past of the earth is one of the most interesting attractions of this museum, the oldest of which belongs to a fossil called stromatolite, which is about 540 million years old.

In addition, Golshan Garden is one of the most important gardens in Iran and the world, which is located in the desert city of Tabas, like a green gem, and visitors to the museum can visit this beautiful garden and the Earth Heritage Museum at the same time.

This museum is active for visiting enthusiasts and tourists on all days of the year, and it is possible to visit it on official holidays with prior arrangement.

Phone: +985632809074 & +985632837707

Visiting hours: 08:30 – 12:30 p.m & 18:00 – 21:00 a.m

Ticket price: 500,000 Rials

Seasonal offers: due to the fact that the museum has a closed space and has a proper ventilation system, visitors can visit it all year round. But our suggestion to visit Golshan garden is spring, summer and autumn.