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Visiting a prominent professor of Iranian nature photography in Tabas Geopark
From a series of activities:
Visit of a prominent professor of nature photography in Iran; Dear Mr. Bardia Saadat from Tabas Land Heritage Museum
Visiting and photographing the geosites of Jenny Valley and Sardar Valley by a professor of Iranian nature photography
Photography workshop with the presence of Iranian nature photography professor Berdia Saadat
This workshop was organized by the Tabas Islamic Culture and Guidance Office in the amphitheater of this office.
Expressing the surprise and satisfaction of Master Saadat from creating such a beautiful and valuable collection in Tabas
Berdia Saadat is a photographer, designer and graphic artist, graduate and member of the Iranian Youth Cinema Association, a member of the Iranian Photographers Association and a member of the International Federation of the Art of Photography FIAP.
17 December 2017
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